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Best Alternatives to Pricey Urban Meccas

Many of the nation’s premier urban meccas come at a steep price to home buyers and renters. But researchers at® have pinpointed affordable alternatives to the country’s hottest locales.They uncovered budget-friendly counterparts to some of the nation’s most expensive metros, referring to them as “metro matchups.” They are places comparable to urban meccas in many ways but whose housing prices largely remain below $350,000.

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Top Amenities for Relocating Baby Boomers

Baby boomers say they want to move to a home that has a multicar garage and that’s near their grandchildren, according to the latest Del Webb Baby Boomer Survey, sponsored by national home builder PulteGroup Inc. The age at which baby boomers expect to retire is getting younger, down from 65 in 2013 to 63.7 in 2017, according to the survey of more than 1,000 adults between the ages of 50 and 65. Thirty-eight percent say they plan to purchase a

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Why Single-Family Rentals Gain Market Edge

Single-family rentals are the fastest-growing segment in the housing market, outpacing owner-occupied single-family homes and all multifamily housing, according to the Urban Institute. Single-family rentals now account for 35 percent of the country’s 44 million rental units.That figure is likely to increase, according to a panel of experts hosted by the Urban Institute’s Housing Finance Policy Center. Changing demographics and housing market

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California Wildfires Heat Up Housing Crunch

Areas of California affected by wildfires may have an inadequate supply of emergency housing for victims because those markets were already facing severe inventory shortages, industry experts warn. The fires have torn through Northern California’s wine country, destroying thousands of homes and businesses. In particularly hard-hit Santa Rosa, rents are already among the highest in the country. Inventory shortages and skyrocketing home values th

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Beverly Carter’s Family Sues Her Brokerage

Family members of Arkansas real estate agent Beverly Carter, who was murdered in 2014 after being kidnapped from a rural property outside Little Rock, have brought a wrongful death and negligence lawsuit against her brokerage, Crye-Leike. The family alleges that the company failed in its duty to properly train Carter to avoid life-threatening situations in the course of her real estate work. Carter is survived by her husband and two sons, though

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REALTORS: 5 thrifty home renovations that get sellers the most ROI

Inexpensive fixes tend to offer the highest returnsKey Takeaways Sellers often lose money making high-cost renovations. Inexpensive renovations tend to offer higher ROI and present less risk than costly projects.Can you list the home renovations that get the best returns for sellers? If not, can you honestly claim to get top dollar for sellers’ homes?Tracy McLaughlinOn a podcast with Pat Hiban, Tracy McLaughlin shared her expert advice on home

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Haunting drone footage captures scorched Santa Rosa

Heartbreaking video shows a postal truck delivering mail to a ghost townA neighborhood turned to ash is perfectly still save a lone postal truck slowly traversing the street. Surrounded by scorched earth, charred car frames and nothing but sticks where houses once stood, a USPS worker forges on delivering mail to a ghost town in Santa Rosa, California, at least where mailboxes remain.If a picture can paint a thousand words, a short drone video as

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Trump’s Healthcare Order Excludes Independent Contractors

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday to get the ball rolling on the creation of association healthcare plans. It’s intended to help small employers access more affordable health insurance coverage for their employees. Such a direction may hold promise for real estate professionals if the administration proposes new rules that would include independent contractors—but currently, that’s not part of the program.“The Wh

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‘YIMBY’ Movement Urges Affordable Housing

Young adults are forming a new movement known as YIMBY—“yes in my backyard”—as they advocate for more affordable housing in their communities.Young adults reportedly are turning out in bigger numbers to zoning, planning, town, and city board meetings to advocate for more affordable housing in their districts. Activist groups are gaining momentum, particularly in markets that have faced surging rental costs and home prices the last few yea

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Millennials Not Ashamed to Live with Parents

For the first time on record, living at home with parents has become the most common living situation for adults ages 18 to 34, according to Pew research.More than one-third of young adults ages 18 to 34 live at their parents’ home, according to Census data, and the percentage continues to grow. In 2005, 26 percent of young adults lived at their parents’ home. In 2015, the percentage grew to 34.1 percent. In 2016, 15 percent of 25- to 35-y

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