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Where Women Are Buying the Most Homes

Women have grown more powerful as a homebuying force over the last few decades, and they tend to take on more financial risk than their male counterparts, according to a new report from personal finance website SmartAsset. In 348 of 402 metros analyzed by SmartAsset, women had a larger loan-to-income ratio than men.SmartAsset ranked the places where women are buying the most homes by looking at the percentage of mortgages approved for women and c

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4 Items Home Inspectors Can’t Evaluate

When a home inspector examines the property your buyer is under contract to purchase, you should know that there are some items the inspector legally can’t determine about its condition. Inspectors are bound by a set of rules that limit what they can share with a buyer., the National Association of REALTORS®’ consumer-facing website, recently highlighted several points that home inspectors can’t tell a buyer about.© Peter D

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4 Things to Be on Alert for When Buying an Older Home

Older homes often come with plenty of character and possibly even a lower price. But buying a home that has been around for a while can also mean dealing with age-related problems.RISMedia’s HouseCall has tips during the home inspection process for home shoppers to watch for before purchasing an older home, including:Watch for electrical issues.Older homes could have dated wiring and electrical panels that may not be able to keep up with t

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Protect Your Home From the Extreme Cold

Many parts of the U.S. have been struck with a snap of subzero temperatures. While keeping themselves warm during the bitter cold, homeowners also need to take precautions to keep their home safe, too.In Wisconsin's capital, the Madison Water Utility posted a photo on Twitter to show homeowners how a burst pipe can damage a home. The photo was taken at a vacant home in Madison. “They shut the heat off, so then the water burst up in th

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Millennials Are Undeterred by Fixer Uppers

Young adult home buyers aren’t afraid to buy a home in need of some major TLC. Sixty-seven percent of millennial home shoppers who participated in a recent Clever Real Estate survey of 1,000 U.S. residents in the market for a home said they would put in an offer on a property in need of major repairs.Millennial home buyers are taking a long-term view when buying, the Clever Real Estate survey found. They also tend to value safe neighborhoo

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Could That Home Be Contaminated With Meth?

It could be a home buyer’s worst nightmare: They purchase a new property only to discover later it is contaminated with methamphetamine, which is linked to health problems and can be very costly to eliminate.In more than half of states, home sellers are required to disclose whether to the best of their knowledge a property has ever been used as a meth lab. But many laws stop short of letting buyers know if meth was ever smoked inside the proper

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Bad Reviews on Yelp? SCOTUS Doesn’t Want to Hear It

You may not be happy with an unfair online review you received that you feel is damaging your business. But you may have little recourse in court to have it removed if the online site chooses not to. The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to hear a case against the online reviewing site Yelp. The case involved Yelp’s refusal to remove allegedly defamatory reviews from its website, stemming from a 2016 defamation lawsuit.In the lawsuit, attorney Daw

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Western States Fare Best in Population Growth

Which states are growing the fastest and adding new residents? Idaho and Nevada once again lead the states in population growth rates, according to the latest U.S. Census Bureau figures. Demographic changes can be key to projecting future housing needs, the National Association of Home Builders explained on its Eye On Housing blog post analyzing the census numbers.Between July 1, 2017, to July 1, 2018, Nevada posted a population growth rate of 2.

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Can You Spot Phishing Emails? New Quiz Builds Skills

Email scams are common, such as fake messages that tell you to reset your password, spam, and phishing attempts that try to winnow their way into your real estate transactions. How good are you at telling a phishing email from a real one?Google subsidiary Jigsaw is trying to educate internet users on how to spot fraudulent emails with a quiz. The quiz gives you eight email examples and allows you to choose between “legitimate” and “phi

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Are Entire Build-to-Rent Communities Coming?

Investors are shifting their strategies to focus on new development due to an increase in competition from a tight supply of housing inventory in many markets, the National Real Estate Investor reports.They’re eyeing build-to-rent strategies in markets where building and land costs are lower and where there is more entry-level home building, such as in Atlanta; Charlotte, N.C.; Phoenix; and some areas of Texas.“What you’re seeing now is the

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