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10 Populous Counties with Attractive Housing Affordability

While home prices are quickly rising to the point of pricing out some buyers, low mortgage rates have helped to offset some of those higher prices.The median home price of single-family homes and condos in the first quarter of this year was still more affordable than the historical averages of 52% of the 552 counties analyzed by ATTOM Data Solutions. However, that figure is down from 63% in the first quarter of 2020 and from 95% in the first quar

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Where Housing Stock is Aging

The median age of the nation’s owner-occupied housing stock is 39 years. An area’s age of housing could be an important measurement for the real estate market.As Na Zhao, senior economist at the National Association of Home Builders, explains on the association’s Eye on Housing blog: “The age of the housing stock is an important remodeling market indicator. Older houses are less energy-efficient than new construction and ultimately will r

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Americans Prefer Investing in Homes Over Stocks

The pandemic may be shifting consumer preferences about what makes the best investment. A new study from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York asked respondents to rate which is a better investment: a home or a financial asset such as stocks?Ninety percent of respondents chose owning a primary residence over investing in the stock market. Additionally, more than 50% of survey respondents say they preferred to own a rental property over purchasing

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REALTORS: Learn Why Agents LOVE Us

   iPro was founded on the idea of building a better living with champion real estate services. We focus on incorporating and mastering the latest technologies and perform all types of real estate transactions. Our team of professionals set a stronger standard of business and give superior results.SOME OF OUR BENEFITS INCLUDE Low Broker FeesOur low compensation plan along with not having to pay any fees until closings. Transaction

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With Prices Surging, Farmland is Now a Hot Commodity

Across the Midwest, farmland prices are rapidly climbing, fueled by a recent rally in grain markets and low interest rates, The Wall Street Journal reports. Prices are rising even higher than the previous farm boom about a decade ago.Farmland values increased during 2020 as higher grain prices buoyed revenue for farmers. Land prices in the region that covers parts of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, and Wisconsin saw a 6% increase las

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Pending Home Sales Dip in February

Pending home sales dipped for a second straight month in February, the National Association of REALTORS® reported Wednesday. Each of the four major U.S. regions witnessed month-over-month declines last month, while results were mixed in the four regions year-over-year.The declines come not from a cooling market, but from a red-hot one in which inventory is scarce. “The demand for a home purchase is widespread, multiple offers are prevalent, an

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Bridge Loans Help with Intense Bidding Wars

A bridge loan may help your buyer fund their next home before completing the sale of their current home. Essentially, it’s a way to take out a loan against their current home to make a down payment on a new home. This temporary loan is helping some buyers be able to waive a contingency for the sale of a home in a bidding war for a home and help their offer stand out more to the seller.After all, some sellers who are juggling many offers for the

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Homeowners Turn to Smart-Home Tech in Pandemic

One in four Americans purchased a smart-home device in 2020, according to a new survey from SafeWise, a firm that offers safety solutions and resources for the home. The majority of those surveyed say they are spending more time using home tech and are increasing their home tech spending and report using smart-home technology at least once a day.SafeWise surveyed 1,000 Americans to ask them about their home technology spending habits and how they

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10 Single-Family Rental Markets Set for the Most Growth

During the pandemic, the desire for a single-family home has grown for owners and renters alike. Many builders and investors are now exploring the single-family-to-rent sector.The single-family rental market has seen some of the highest rental returns in counties located in the Midwest and South so far in 2021, according to ATTOM Data Solutions, which tracked 495 U.S. counties for its latest single-family rental market report.Researchers identifi

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